Tuesday, October 22, 2024

IDPal Verification
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/getallidpalprofiles
Description: Fetch all ID Pal Profiles
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params IncludeDetail Boolean Includes configuration details of each profile (Yes or Blank)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of ID Pal Profile records.
 "Success": true,
 "Message": null,
 "Profiles": [
   "ProfileID": 577,
   "ProfileName": "RiskScreen eIDV",
   "CustomerAppPreferences": [,
     "Title": "Number of required ID documents",
     "FieldType": "DropDown",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Maximum Additional Documents (post submission)",
     "FieldType": "DropDown",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Maximum number of liveness test retakes allowed for the user",
     "FieldType": "DropDown",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Maximum number of pages per Additional Document",
     "FieldType": "DropDown",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Enable real-time decisioning",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "No liveness required",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Disable video capture for passport",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Enable one page passport capture",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Enable Address Database Checking",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Make all Personal Information Optional",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Make all Address Information Optional",
     "FieldType": "Boolean",
     "Value": "1"
     "Title": "Make all Contact Information Optional",
     "FieldType": "DropDown",
     "Value": "1"
   "CustomerProofOfAddressDocuments": [
     "ID": 1781,
     "Title": "Utility Bill",
     "Description": "Utility Bill",
     "Required": false
     "ID": 3233,
     "Title": "Proof of Address",
     "Description": "Proof of Address",
     "Required": false
Field Data Type
Success Boolean
Message String
Profiles Collection
 ProfileID Int 32
 ProfileName String
 CustomerAppPreferences Collection
  Title String
  FieldType String
  Value String
 CustomerProofOfAddressDocuments Collection
  ID Int 32
  Title String
  Description String
  Required Boolean
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/getallapplinksubmissions
Description: Fetch all application link submissions.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of application link submission records.
 "Status": MessageSent,
 "Message": null,
 "Submissions": [
   "UUID": "90a67659",
   "SubmissionID": 304980,
   "AddressVerificationResult": "NA",
   "IdDetectResult": "NA",
   "ProfileID": 120,
   "SubmissionStatus": "ReportFlaggedByUser",
   "LanguageCode": "en",
   "AccountID": "",
   "Documents": [
     "DocumentID": 2344234,
     "DocumentUniqueNumber": "QWERTY12345644",
     "IssueDate": null,
     "IssueType": "Driving Licence",
     "IssuerCode": "GBR",
     "DocumentTypeIssueYear": 2015,
     "ExpirationDate": 2027-01-22 00:00:00,
     "Alerts": null,
     "DocumentType": "idcard-back",
     "AuthenticationData": "NA",
     "FacialMatch": "NA",
     "FacialMatchScore": null,
     "Status": "0",
     "Message": null
     "DocumentID": 927619,
     "DocumentUniqueNumber": "",
     "IssueDate": null,
     "IssueType": "",
     "IssuerCode": "",
     "DocumentTypeIssueYear": 0,
     "ExpirationDate": null,
     "Alerts": null,
     "DocumentType": "selfie",
     "AuthenticationData": "NA",
     "FacialMatch": "NA",
     "FacialMatchScore": null,
     "Status": "0",
     "Message": null
Field Data Type
Status String
Message String
Submissions Collection
 UUID String
 SubmissionID Int 32
 AddressVerificationResult String
 IdDetectResult String
 ProfileID Int32
 SubmissionStatus String
 LanguageCode String
 AccountID String
 Documents Collection
  DocumentID Int 32
  DocumentUniqueNumber String
  IssueDate Date
  IssueType String
  IssuerCode String
  DocumentTypeIssueYear Int32
  ExpirationDate Date
  Alerts String Array
  DocumentType String
  AuthenticationData String
  FacialMatch String
  FacialMatchScore Int32
  Status String
  Message String
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/sendapplink
Description: Send the IDPAL app download link to an Onboarding Prospect Identifer
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the response from ID Pal.
 "Success": false,
 "Status": "MessageSent",
 "Message": "message sent",
 "UUID": "7f210c09"
Field Data Type
Success Boolean
Status String
Message String
UUID String
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/getsubmission
Description: Get the submission details for a submission identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Params SubmissionID Int32 Submission Identifier
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the submission details from ID Pal
 "UUID": "4b78c8f8",
 "SubmissionID": 468019,
 "AddressVerificationResult": "Pass",
 "IdDetectResult": "Pass",
 "ProfileID": 62,
 "SubmissionStatus": "ReceivedWithError",
 "LanguageCode": "en",
 "AccountID": "",
 "Documents": [
   "DocumentID": 1272452,
   "DocumentUniqueNumber": "QWERTY12345644 87",
   "IssueDate": "2017-01-23 00:00:00",
   "IssueType": "Driving Licence",
   "IssuerCode": "GBR",
   "DocumentTypeIssueYear": 2015,
   "ExpirationDate": "2027-01-22 00:00:00",
   "Alerts": [
    "A visible pattern was not found"
   "DocumentType": "idcard-front-uncropped",
   "AuthenticationData": "NA",
   "FacialMatch": "NA",
   "FacialMatchScore": null,
   "Status": "0",
   "Message": null
 "Message": null,
 "FirstName": "JOHN",
 "LastName": "SMITH",
 "MaidenName": "",
 "Email": "johnsmith@kycglobal.com",
 "Phone": "7797712345",
 "Gender": "Male",
 "DateOfBirth": "1983-09-99 00:00:00",
 "CountryOfBirth": "United Kingdom",
 "Address1": "12 CLAIRE CLOSE, BANK",
 "Address2": "",
 "City": "BIRMIGHAM",
 "County": "",
 "CountryName": "United Kingdom",
 "PostalCode": "JE2 3RT",
 "AppID": 0,
 "PassportExpires": null,
 "IdCardExpires": "2027-01-22 00:00:00",
 "OSType": "13.7",
 "HardwareType": "iPhone X",
 "FreeMemory": "47 MB",
 "AvailableStorage": "127.05 GB"
Field Data Type
UUID String
SubmissionID Int 32
AddressVerificationResult String
IdDetectResult String
ProfileID Int 32
SubmissionStatus String
LanguageCode String
AccountID String
Documents Collection
 DocumentID Int 32
 DocumentUniqueNumber String
 IssueDate Date
 IssueType String
 IssuerCode String
 DocumentTypeIssueYear Int32
 ExpirationDate Date
 Alerts String Array
 DocumentType String
 AuthenticationData String
 FacialMatch String
 FacialMatchScore Int32
 Status String
 Message String
Message String
FirstName String
LastName String
MaidenName String
Email String
Phone String
Gender String
DateOfBirth Date
CountryOfBirth String
Address1 String
Address2 String
City String
County String
CountryName String
PostalCode String
AppID Int 32
PassportExpires Date
IdCardExpires Date
OSType String
HardwareType String
FreeMemory String
AvailableStorage String
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/getdocumentstream
Description: Fetch the document data of a document for a submission Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Params SubmissionID Int32 Submission Identifier
Params DocumentID Int32 Document Identifier
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the document data fetched from ID Pal.
 "DocumentData": "byte array for the document",
 "MediaType": "image/jpeg",
 "Message": null,
 "Status": "0"
Field Data Type
DocumentData Byte [ ]
MediaType String
Message String
Status String
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/acknowledgesubmissioncomplete
Description: Allows you to mark a given submission as completed in the ID-Pal system once all required information has been extracted
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Body SubmissionID Int32 Submission Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the response from ID Pal.
 "IDPalMessageStatus": "0",
 "Message": "null",
 "Success": "True"
Field Data Type
IDPalMessageStatus String
Message String
Success String
URL: /api/v1/idpal/idverification/sendsubmissionnotification
Description: Fetch a document data for a submission Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Identifier
Body SubmissionID Int32 Submission Identifier
Body NotificationMessage String Notification message to be sent
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the response from ID Pal.
 "IDPalMessageStatus": "0",
 "Message": "null",
 "Success": "True"
Field Data Type
IDPalMessageStatus String
Message String
Success String