Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - Batch
URL: /api/v1/client/batch/get
Description: Fetch the most recent Batch Run information
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Batch information
 "ClientID": 123,
 "ClientName": "Client ABC",
 "BatchID": "277",
 "StartDate": "2024-10-22 12:00:00",
 "EndDate": "2024-10-22 12:15:00",
 "SearchesPerformed": 5000,
 "InitialMatchesFound": 278,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedMultiMatch": 29,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedExisting": 0,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedWhiteList": 0,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedDateMeta": 49,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedCountryMeta": 90,
 "InitialMatchesDiscountedTotal": 168,
 "ClientEntityMatchVolume": 21,
 "TotalMatches": 48,
 "TotalPEPMatchVolume": 10,
 "TotalRCAMatchVolume": 12,
 "TotalWBLMatchVolume": 25,
 "TotalSANMatchVolume": 0,
 "TotalAVMMatchVolume": 1,
 "TotalUNKMatchVolume": 0,
Field Data Type
ClientID Int 16
ClientName Text 150
BatchID Int 32
StartDate DateTime
EndDate DateTime
SearchesPerformed Int 32
InitialMatchesFound Int 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedMultiMatch Int 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedExisting Int 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedWhiteList Int 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedDateMeta Int 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedCountryMetaInt 32
InitialMatchesDiscountedTotal Int 32
ClientEntityMatchVolume Int 32
TotalMatches Int 32
TotalPEPMatchVolume Int 32
TotalRCAMatchVolume Int 32
TotalWBLMatchVolume Int 32
TotalSANMatchVolume Int 32
TotalAVMMatchVolume Int 32
TotalUNKMatchVolume Int 32