Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - Data Upload
URL: /api/v1/client/bulkupload/StagingGetSummary
Description: Fetch a Client Bulk Upload record based on the Data Upload Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params SearchTerm String Search Term
Params SearchOn Byte Search On (0 = Reference, 1 = File Name)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Bulk Upload
 "Reference": "d4ca2150-29dd-40cb-8f3d-6ddf7f8408bd",
 "FileName": "ExportTemplate.xls",
 "RequestedOn": "2020-08-03 00:00:00",
 "Status": 1,
 "PendingRows": "Jordan",
 "SuccessfulRows": "AL",
 "FailedRows": "testaccount@kycglobal.com"
 "Type": 0
Field Data Type
Reference Text 100
FileName Text 100
RequestedOn Date Time
Status Int 16
PendingRows Int 32
SuccessfulRows Int 32
FailedRows Int 32
Type Int 16
URL: /api/v1/client/bulkupload/StagingGetDetails
Description: Fetch a Client Bulk Upload record details based on the Data Upload Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params SearchTerm String Search Term
Params SearchOn Byte Search On (0 = Reference, 1 = File Name)
Params Status Byte Status (0 = ALL, 1 = Pending Data, 2 = Successful Data, 3 = Failed Data)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Prospect
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "Reference": "d4ca2150-29dd-40cb-8f3d-6ddf7f8408bd",
 "FileName": "ExportTemplate.xls",
 "RequestedOn": "2020-08-03 00:00:00",
   "FileRow": 0,
   "Status": 1,
   "RawData": "RawClientProspectID<>",
   "Message": "Insert",
   "FileRow": 0,
   "Status": 1,
   "RawData": "RawClientProspectGroupID<7> ",
   "Message": "Insert",
Field Data Type
Reference Text 100
FileName Text 100
RequestedOn Date Time
ProspectOnboardingData Collection
FileRow Int 32
Status Int 16
RawData Text 500
Message Text 600
ProspectRelationshipData Collection
FileRow Int 32
Status Int 16
RawData Text 500
Message Text 400
URL: /api/v1/client/bulkupload/BulkImport
Description: Import Client Prospect/Onboarding data in bulk. Adds new or updates existing.
Uploading of bulk data using this method should be batched into manageable blocks of 5000 records.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params IncludeDetailInResult Boolean Include details of valid items in the batch in the response.
Params ImportMode Byte 0 = All, 1 = Prospect Only, 2 = Onboarding + Data Collection
Params FileName String Name of the imported file (optional)
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Client Prospect / Onboarding values
Input Data: {
   "ClientProspectID": 0,
   "ClientOnboardingID": 0,
   "ProspectRef": "ABC123",
   "ClientEntityRef": "ABC123-DEF456",
   "FirstName": "John",
   "LastName": "Smith",
   "MiddleName": "Edward",
   "Email": "test@riskscreen.com",
   "MobilePhone": "7787654321",
   "OnboardingTypeID": 200,
   "ClientEntityID": 5020,
   "ProspectStatus": 1,
   "AllowManageProspect": false,
   "DateAdded": "",
   "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
   "HandledByUserID": 103,
   "OnboardingStageID": 1,
   "RiskModelType": 1,
     "PropertyMappingReferenceID": "R1",
     "PropertyDataValue": "34510"
   "ClientProspectGroupID": 101,
   "ClientProspectInterfaceReference": "ABC123ARET",
   "ProspectRelationshipID": 132,
   "ParentProspectInterfaceReference": "DEF456FGTER",
   "UBOOwnershipPercentage": 45,
   "DirectOwnershipPercentage": 35,
   "Value1": 15.45,
   "Value2": 35,
   "Value3": 0,
   "Value4": 0,
   "Value5": 0,
   "Value6": 0,
   "Value7": 0,
   "UseLeadProspectEmailAddress": 0,
   "ProspectEmailAddress": "abc@riskscreen.com"
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Prospect
 "Reference": "d4ca2150-29dd-40cb-8f3d-6ddf7f8408bd",
 "FileName": "ExportTemplate.xls",
 "FileRows": 1,
 "LoadingStatus": 1
Field Data Type
Reference Text 100
FileName Text 100
FileRows Int 32
LoadingStatus Byte