Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - Prospect Group
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/get
Description: Fetch a Client Prospect Group record based on the Client Prospect Group ID
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientProspectGroupID Int32 Client Prospect Group Identifier
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Prospect Group for the Client Prospect Group Id associated with a Client Prospect Group ID
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 1,
 "Name": "De Lima and Pedro",
 "Description": "The De Lima and Pedro Application",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
ClientProspectGroupID Int32
Name Text 150
Description Text 300
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/search
Description: Search for Client Prospect Groups
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params SearchString Text 255 Search string
Params SearchOn Byte 0 = Name, 1 = Description
Params SearchType Byte 0 = Starts with, 1 = Contains
Params UserId INT User Id (optional - value defaulted to some value internally if not provided)
Params CurrentPage INT Current Page index (optional - value defaulted to 1 if not provided)
Params PageSize INT Page size (optional - value defaulted to 100 if not provided)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of one or many Client Prospect Group s
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 1,
 "Name": "De Lima and Pedro",
 "Description": "The De Lima and Pedro Application",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
ClientProspectGroupID Int32
Name Text 150
Description Text 300
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/add
Description: Add Client Prospect Group
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body Name Text 150 Name
Body Description Text 300 Description
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Prospect Group added.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 450134,
 "Name": "De Lima and Pedro",
 "Description": "The De Lima and Pedro Application",
Field Data Type
ClientProspectGroup Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/update
Description: Update an existing Client Prospect Group
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectGroupID Int32 Identifier of the Client Prospect Group to be updated
Body Name Text 150 Name
Body Description Text 300 Description
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Prospect Group updated.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 450134,
 "Name": "De Lima and Pedro",
 "Description": "The De Lima and Pedro Application",
Field Data Type
ClientProspectGroup Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/delete
Description: Delete an existing Client Prospect Group
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectGroupID Int32 Idnetifier of the Client Prospect Group to be deleted
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Prospect Group deleted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 450134,
 "Name": "De Lima and Pedro",
 "Description": "The De Lima and Pedro Application",
} }
Field Data Type
ClientProspectGroup Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/prospectgroup/BulkImport
Description: Import Prospect Group data in bulk. Adds new or updates existing.
Uploading of bulk data using this method should be batched into manageable blocks of 5000 records.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params IncludeDetailInResult Boolean Include details of valid items in the batch in the response.
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Prospect Group values
Input Data: [{
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "Name": "TestGroup",
 "Description": "GroupDescription"
Return Data: Import returns an object with volume information and two collections Rejections and Allocations.
Rejections are validation errors or import rejections in the batch.
Allocations are Internal and External references for any Additions in the batch.

If the request query parameter 'IncludeDetailInResult' is true, the return object will contain two additional collections:
1) ValidItemsActionRequiredList and 2) ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList.

ValidItemsActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that will be added or updated.
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that have no changes and will not be updated.
These two collections will contain fields that can be used for additional validation.

 "ImportRejections": 0,
 "ValidItemsActionRequired": 2,
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequired": 0,
 "Rejections": [],
 "Allocations": [
   "FileRow": 1,
   "BusinessUnitID": 10,
   "ClientProspectGroupID": 102
 "ValidItemsActionRequiredList": [
   "FileRow": 1,
   "ClientProspectGroupID": 100,
   "Name": ""TestGroup"",
   "Description": "GroupDescription"
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList": []
Field Data Type
ImportRejections Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequired Int 32
ValidItemsNoActionRequired Int 32
Rejections Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 Reason Text 255
Allocations Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 BusinessUnitID Int 32
 ClientProspectGroupID Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientProspectGroupID Int 16
 Name Text 300
 Description Text 600
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientProspectGroupID Int 16
 Name Text 300
 Description Text 600