Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Report - Client Onboarding Summary
URL: /api/v1/report/clientonboarding/clientonboardingsummary
Description: Fetch Client Onboarding Summary Report
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params OnboardingTypeID Int16 Onboarding Type Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params OnboardingStageID Byte Onboarding Stage Identifier (0 = View All, 1 = Data Collection, 2 = Data Approval, 3 = Identity Verification, 4 = Identity Approval, 5 = Screening, 6 = Compliance Approval, 99 = All Active, 100 = Rejected, 101 = Awaiting Handler Submission, 102 = Onboarded, 103 = Awaiting Handler Approval, 104 = Awaiting Supervisor Approval, 105 = Awaiting Manager Approval, 106 = Awaiting Director Approval)
Params HandledByUserGroupID Int16 User Group Identifier of the user handling the prospect (0 to View All)
Params HandledByUserID Int16 User Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params IsTestSystem Boolean Executing on TEST System? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params FromDate Date From Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params ToDate Date To Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Onboarding Summary Report
 "ReportDataSources": [{
  "Name": "ReportDataSet1",
  "Value": "[{
   \"ClientProspectName\":\"Anthony White\",
   \"ClientOnboardingTypeName\":\"Onboarding Type\",
   \"ClientOnboardingStageStatusName\":\"Data Collection\",
   \"HandledByUserGroupName\":\"Handler Group\",
 "SubreportDataSources": [{
  "key": "ClientOnboardingSummary_SR0-ClientID-102-BusinessUnitID-10-ClientProspectID-300072-ClientOnboardingID-456789",
  "value": [{
   "Name": "ReportDataSet1",
   "Value": "[{
    \"ClientOnboardingStageName\":\"Data Collection\"}]"
   "Name": "ReportDataSet2",
   "Value": "[{
    \"ClientOnboardingApprovalStatusName\":\"Submitted for approval\",
    \"ClientOnboardingApprovalNotes\":\"No flag or matches\",
   "Name": "ReportDataSet3",
   "Value": "[{
Field Data Type
ClientID Int 16
BusinessUnitID Int 32
ClientName Text 150
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientProspectID Int 32
ClientProspectName Text 255
ClientOnboardingTypeName Date
ClientOnboardingID Int 32
ClientOnboardingStageStatusName Text 255
ClientOnboardingIDPalUUID Text 255
HandledByUserGroupName Text 255
HandledByUserName Text 255
ClientProspectAddedDate Date
ClientOnboardingAddedDate Date
ClientOnboardingURL Text 255
Field Data Type
ClientProspectID Int 32
ClientOnboardingID Int 32
ClientOnboardingStageDate Date
ClientOnboardingStageName Text 150
ClientOnboardingApprovalUserRole Text 255
ClientOnboardingApprovalStatusName Text 255
ClientOnboardingApprovalNotes Text 255
ClientOnboardingApprovalUserName Text 255
ClientOnboardingApprovalAuthDate Date
ClientOnboardingTotalStageDuration Int 16
ClientOnboardingAuditAction Text 255
ClientOnboardingAuditDate Date
ClientOnboardingAuditActioningUserName Text 255
ClientOnboardingAuditDataChanges Text 255
URL: /api/v1/report/clientonboarding/dcfSummary
Description: Fetch Client Onboarding Data Collection Form Summary Report
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params FromDate Date From Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params ToDate Date To Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Onboarding Summary Report
 "ReportDataSources": [{
  "Name": "ReportDataSet1",
  "Value": "[{
 "SubreportDataSources": null
Field Data Type
ClientID Int 16
ClientName Text 150
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ProspectsDCFSentCount Int 32
OnBoardingsDCFSentCount Int 32
TotalNoOfDCFSent Int 32
DCFLinkOpenedCount Int 32
URL: /api/v1/report/clientonboarding/totalprospectprocessingtime
Description: Fetch Client Onboarding Total Prospect Processing Time Report
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params FromDate Date From Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params ToDate Date To Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Params OnboardingTypeID Int16 Onboarding Type Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params ClientProspectGroupID int Client Prospect Group ID (optional)
Params HandledByUserGroupID Int16 User Group Identifier of the user handling the prospect (0 to View All)
Params HandledByUserID Int16 User Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params CurrentPage Int16 Page Index used for the pagination
Params PageSize Int16 Page Size to be returned as part of response for the pagination, maximum value can be 30,000
Params IsTestSystem Boolean Executing on TEST System? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Entity Detail Report
 "ReportDataSources": [
   "Name": "ReportDataSet1",
   "Value": [
     "ClientID": 102,
     "BusinessUnitID": 10,
     "ClientName": "LocalClient",
     "BusinessUnitName": "Default",
     "ClientProspectID": 458142,
     "ClientProspectName": "Prospect JPM report demo 11th Oct",
     "ProspectReference": "1277474UK_TestData134",
     "ProspectGroupIds": "",
     "ProspectGroupName": "",
     "ClientOnboardingTypeID": "268",
     "ClientOnboardingTypeName": "JPM Report Demo 11th Oct",
     "ClientOnboardingID": 300095,
     "ClientOnboardingStageStatusName": "Data Collection",
     "ClientOnboardingIDPalUUID": "",
     "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
     "HandledByUserName": "Ryan Broadh",
     "ClientProspectAddedDate": "11/10/2024",
     "ClientOnboardingAddedDate": "11/10/2024",
     "ClientOnboardingURL": "https://localhost.batch.riskscreen.com/onboarding/edit/300095?prospectid=458142&__BusinessUnit=10",
     "DCFOpenedDate": "",
     "ClientOnboardingDataRequestedOnDate": "",
     "ClientOnboardingDataSubmittedOnDate": "",
     "ClientOnboardingIDPalSentOnDate": "",
     "ClientOnboardingOnboardedRejectedOnDate": "",
     "DataRequestID": "",
     "TotalTimeSpent": "4d 2h 59m ",
     "TimeSpentInDCFSent": "",
     "TimeSpentInDCFOpened": "",
     "TotalTimeSpentInDataCollection": "4d 2h 36m ",
     "TotalTimeSpentInDataApproval": "0d 0h 9m ",
     "TotalTimeSpentInIdVerification": "0d 0h 3m ",
     "TotalTimeSpentInIdApproval": "0d 0h 1m ",
     "TotalTimeSpentInScreening": "0d 0h 0m ",
     "TotalTimeSpentInComplianceApproval": "0d 0h 10m "
 "ParameterList": null,
 "SubreportDataSources": [
   "value": [
     "Name": "ReportDataSetProspectReminders",
     "Value": [
       "ClientProspectID": 450093,
       "ClientOnboardingID": 300021,
       "UnopenedDataCollectionReminderDate": "26/06/2024 18:30",
       "UnsubmittedDataCollectionReminderDate": "26/06/2024 21:43"
   "value": [
     "Name": "ReportDataSetOnboardingStagesTimeStamps",
     "Value": [
       "ClientId": 102,
       "BusinessUnitId": 10,
       "OnboardingTypeId": 268,
       "ProspectId": 458142,
       "OnboardingId": 300095,
       "DataCollectionOn": "11/10/2024 09:46",
       "TimeSpentInDataCollection": "0d 0h 20m ",
       "DataApprovalOn": "11/10/2024 10:06",
       "TimeSpentInDataApproval": "0d 0h 9m ",
       "IdentityVerificationOn": "11/10/2024 10:15",
       "TimeSpentInIdentityVerification": "0d 0h 3m ",
       "IdentityApprovalOn": "11/10/2024 10:18",
       "TimeSpentInIdentityApproval": "0d 0h 1m ",
       "ScreeningOn": "11/10/2024 10:19",
       "TimeSpentInScreening": "0d 0h 0m ",
       "ComplianceApprovalOn": "11/10/2024 10:19",
       "TimeSpentInComplianceApproval": "0d 0h 10m ",
       "RowNumber": 1
   "value": [
     "Name": "ReportDataSetHandlerInfo",
     "Value": [
       "DataCollectionHandlerInfo": "Handler Group",
       "DataApprovalHandlerInfo": "Handler Group",
       "IdVerificationHandlerInfo": "Handler Group",
       "IdApprovalHandlerInfo": "Handler Group",
       "ScreeningHandlerInfo": "Handler Group",
       "ComplianceApprovalHandlerInfo": "Handler Group"
 "MainReportDataRowCount": 0,
 "ReportLanguage": "en-GB"
Field Data Type
ClientID Int
BusinessUnitID Int
ClientName Text
BusinessUnitName Text
ClientProspectID Int
ClientProspectName Text
ProspectReference Text
ProspectGroupIds Text
ProspectGroupName Text
ClientOnboardingTypeID Text
ClientOnboardingTypeName Text
ClientOnboardingID Int
ClientOnboardingStageStatusName Text
ClientOnboardingIDPalUUID Text
HandledByUserGroupName Text
HandledByUserName Text
ClientProspectAddedDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingAddedDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingURL Text
DCFOpenedDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingDataRequestedOnDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingDataSubmittedOnDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingIDPalSentOnDate DateTime
ClientOnboardingOnboardedRejectedOnDate DateTime
DataRequestID Guid
TotalTimeSpent Text
TimeSpentInDCFSent Text
TimeSpentInDCFOpened Text
TotalTimeSpentInDataCollection Text
TotalTimeSpentInDataApproval Text
TotalTimeSpentInIdVerification Text
TotalTimeSpentInIdApproval Text
TotalTimeSpentInScreening Text
TotalTimeSpentInComplianceApproval Text
Field Data Type
ClientId Int
BusinessUnitId Int
OnboardingTypeId Int
ProspectId Int
OnboardingId Int
DataCollectionOn DateTime
TimeSpentInDataCollection Text
DataApprovalOn DateTime
TimeSpentInDataApproval Text
IdentityVerificationOn DateTime
TimeSpentInIdentityVerification Text
IdentityApprovalOn DateTime
TimeSpentInIdentityApproval Text
ScreeningOn DateTime
TimeSpentInScreening Text
ComplianceApprovalOn DateTime
TimeSpentInComplianceApproval Text
RowNumber Int
Field Data Type
ClientProspectID Int
ClientOnboardingID Int
UnopenedDataCollectionReminderDate DateTime
UnsubmittedDataCollectionReminderDate DateTime
Field Data Type
DataCollectionHandlerInfo Text
DataApprovalHandlerInfo Text
IdVerificationHandlerInfo Text
IdApprovalHandlerInfo Text
ScreeningHandlerInfo Text
ComplianceApprovalHandlerInfo Text
Report - Client Onboarding Monitor And Alert
URL: /api/v1/report/clientonboarding/ClientOnboardingMonitorAndAlert
Description: Fetch Client Onboarding Alerts Report
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params FilterType Int16 Report filter type 0 = Future Alerts, 1 = Historic Alerts (optional - value defaulted to 0 Future Alerts if not provided)
Params OnboardingTypeID Int16 Onboarding Type Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params MonitorAreaID Byte Monitor Area (0 = View All, 1 = Risk, 2 = Property, 3 = Identity Verification, 4 = Onboarded Date) (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params HandledByUserGroupID Int16 User Group Identifier of the user handling the prospect (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params HandledByUserID Int16 User Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 0 View All if not provided)
Params IsTestSystem Boolean Executing on TEST System? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params FilterDate Date Filter Date (yyyy-mm-dd) (optional - value defaulted to -3 Months from Today's Date when FilterType = 0 or to +3 months from Today when FilterType = 1 if not provided)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Onboarding Summary Report
 "ReportDataSources": [{
  "Name": "ReportDataSet1",
  "Value": "[{
   \"FilterTypeName\":\"Historic Alerts\",
   \"ClientProspectName\":\"Anthony White\",
   \"TriggerOptionID\":\"51234 - 23451\",
   \"TriggerOptionName\":\"PropertyGroup1 - DoB\",
   \"TriggerActionName\":\"Email Alerts And Start Onboarding Type\",
   \"TriggerOnboardingTypeName\":\"Journey 1\",
   \"TriggerEmailTemplateName\":\"Template 1\",
   \"TriggerEmailRecepientValWithID\":\"[Handler - 103][Supervisor - 0]\",
   \"TriggerEmailRecepientValWithName\":\"[Handler - TestHandler][Supervisor - All]\"
Field Data Type
FilterTypeID int 32
FilterTypeName Text 30
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientProspectID Int 32
ClientProspectName Text 255
ClientOriginOnboardingID Int 32
ClientOriginOnboardingRiskAsessmentText 20
ClientOnboardingID Int 32
ClientProspectURL Text 255
AlertDueDate Text 100
TriggerTypeID Byte
TriggerTypeName Text 20
TriggerOptionID Text 100
TriggerOptionName Text 100
TriggerOptionValue Text 100
TriggerActionID Byte
TriggerActionName Text 50
TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int 32
TriggerOnboardingTypeName Text 50
TriggerEmailTemplateID Int 32
TriggerEmailTemplateName Text 50
TriggerEmailRecepientIDs Text 100
TriggerEmailRecepientName Text 100
TriggerEmailRecepientValWithID Text 200
TriggerEmailRecepientValWithName Text 200
TriggerCopyDCF Byte