Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - AVM Match Potential [Using External Reference]
URL: api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/match
Description: Match a Client AVM Match Potential record by converting it into a Discounted or Flagged Record based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body LinkUniqueKey String Link Unique Key
Body MatchType String Discount or Flag
Body Reason String Reason
Body MatchCategoryID Int16 Match Discount or Flag Category Identifier
Body ValidToDate Date Valid to Date yyyy-mm-dd
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client AVM Match Discounted or Flagged record generated post match.
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "MatchedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "President of Russia",
 "MatchFlagCategoryID": 1,
 "MatchFlagCategoryName": "Relevant Acceptable",
 "WebContent": [],
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text 255
MatchFlagCategoryID Int 16
MatchFlagCategoryName Text 150
WebContent Byte []
ValidToDate Date
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
Client - AVM Match Potential [Using Internal Reference]
URL: /api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/getinternal
Description: Fetch the AVM Match Potential record based on Client Entity and Link Unique Key Identifiers
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params LinkUniqueKey String Link Unique Key Identifier
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client AVM Match Potential record
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "SearchEngineRank": 10,
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
SearchEngineRank Int 32
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/getallinternal
Description: Fetch AVM Match Potential records based on Client Entity and Handled by User Group Identifiers
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Handled by User Group Identifier
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of Client AVM Match Potential records
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "SearchEngineRank": 10,
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
SearchEngineRank Int 32
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/matchinternal
Description: Match a Client AVM Match Potential record by converting it into a Discounted or Flagged Record based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identfier
Body LinkUniqueKey String Link Unique Key
Body MatchType String Discount or Flag
Body Reason String Reason
Body MatchCategoryID Int16 Match Discount or Flag Category Identifier
Body ValidToDate Date Valid to Date yyyy-mm-dd
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client AVM Match Discounted or Flagged record generated post match.
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimirimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "MatchedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "President of Russia",
 "MatchFlagCategoryID": 1,
 "MatchFlagCategoryName": "Relevant Acceptable",
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text 255
MatchFlagCategoryID Int 16
MatchFlagCategoryName Text 150
ValidToDate Date
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/deleteall
Description: Delete all outstanding Client AVM Match Potential records based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client AVM Match Potential records deleted.
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "SearchEngineRank": 10,
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
SearchEngineRank Int 32
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/reassign
Description: Reassign/Unassign a Client AVM Match Potential based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Identifier of the User Group to reassign Client Match Potential to.
Body AssignToUserID Int16 Identifier of the User to reassign Client Match Potential to.
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity with updated ownership information after reassign.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/adversemedia/matchpotential/takeownership
Description: Take ownership of a Client AVM Match Potential based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Identifier of the User Group for ownership of the Client Match Potential.
Body UserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity with updated ownership information.
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date