Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - Onboarding
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/get
Description: Fetch a Client Onboarding associated with a Client Prospect ID
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Id associated with the Client Prospect
Params IncludeDocumentData Boolean Document Data to be included in the result? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnEncodedValues Boolean Return Base64 Encoded Values of Document Data? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": "First Prospect Group ID will be returned",
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": "[Json = integer array] [Xml = byte array] of the document data",
 "DocumentDataEncoded": "Base64 encoded string of the document data",
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int32
ClientProspectID Int
ClientOnboardingID Int
EIDVUUIDReference Text 20
Notes Text 3000
OnboardingStageID Int 16
OnboardingStatus Int 16
OnboardingStageName Text 255
DateAdded Date
AssessedRiskValue Int 16
WeightedRiskScore Decimal (12, 6)
WeightedRiskScoreBand Text [20]
RiskModelType Byte
ClientProspectGroupID Int 32
WeightedRiskScoreOverridden Boolean
OnboardingTypeID Int 32
OnboardingTypeName Text 150
AllowKYBLookup Boolean
ProspectFirstName Text 255
ProspectMiddleName Text 255
ProspectEmail Text 250
ProspectLastName Text 255
ProspectHandledByUserGroupID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserGroupName Text 150
ProspectHandledByUserName Text 150
SnapshotType Byte
DocumentData Byte[]/Int[]
DocumentDataEncoded String
IsImported Boolean
TriggerDateOperator Byte
TriggerDateMagnitude Int 32
TriggerDateTimespan Byte
TriggerActionID Byte
TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int 32
TriggerEmailTemplateID Int 32
TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs Text 200
TriggerCopyDCF Boolean
DateLastChanged Date Time
LastChangedByUserID Int 32
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/getall
Description: Fetch all Client Onboarding(s) associated with a Client Prospect ID
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params IncludeDocumentData Boolean Document Data to be included in the result? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnEncodedValues Boolean Return Base64 Encoded Values of Document Data? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of one or many Client Onboardings
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": "First Prospect Group will be returned",
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": "[Json = integer array] [Xml = byte array] of the document data",
 "DocumentDataEncoded": "Base64 encoded string of the document data",
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int32
ClientProspectID Int 32
ClientOnboardingID Int 32
EIDVUUIDReference Text 20
Notes Text 3000
OnboardingStageID Byte
OnboardingStatus Int 16
OnboardingStageName Text 255
DateAdded Date
AssessedRiskValue Int 16
WeightedRiskScore Decimal (12, 6)
WeightedRiskScoreBand Text [20]
RiskModelType Byte
ClientProspectGroupID Int 32
WeightedRiskScoreOverridden Boolean
OnboardingTypeID Int 32
OnboardingTypeName Text 150
AllowKYBLookup Boolean
ProspectFirstName Text 255
ProspectMiddleName Text 255
ProspectEmail Text 250
ProspectLastName Text 255
ProspectHandledByUserGroupID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserGroupName Text 150
ProspectHandledByUserName Text 150
SnapshotType Byte
DocumentData Byte[]/Int[]
DocumentDataEncoded String
IsImported Boolean
TriggerDateOperator Byte
TriggerDateMagnitude Int 32
TriggerDateTimespan Byte
TriggerActionID Byte
TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int 32
TriggerEmailTemplateID Int 32
TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs Text 200
TriggerCopyDCF Boolean
DateLastChanged Date Time
LastChangedByUserID Int 32
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/search
Description: Search for Client OnBoarding Records
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params OnboardingTypeID Int32 Onboarding Type Identifier
Params ClientProspectGroupID Int16 Client Prospect Group Identifier
Params HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Handled By User Group Identifier
Params HandledByUserID Int16 Handled By User Identifier
Params FilterDataCollection Byte Filter based on Data Collection statuses
(None = 0,
Request not sent = 1,
Request Sent = 2,
Request Expired = 3,
Submission Received = 4)
Params FilterRisk Byte Filter based on Risk
(None = 0,
Low = 25,
Standard = 50,
High = 75,
VeryHigh = 100,
Upgraded = 125,
Downgraded = 150)
Params FilterIdentityVerification Byte Filter based on Identity Verification Result
(None = 0,
AppLinkNotSent = 1,
AppLinkSent = 2,
SubmissionReceivedPass = 3,
SubmissionReceivedFail = 4,
SubmissionReceivedFlag = 5,
SubmissionReceivedAlert = 6,
SubmissionReceived = 7,
ManualSubmission = 8)
Params FilterScreening Byte Filter based on Screening
(None = 0,
MatchFlagCategory = 1,
OutstandingMatchPotentials = 2)
Params FilterScreeningMatchFlagCategoryID Int16 Match Flag Category Identifier
Params FilterCategory Byte Filter based on Onboarding status
(None = 0,
OnboardingCommenced = 1,
OnboardingOnboarded = 2,
OnboardingRejected = 3,
OnboardingDuration = 4,
MinTimeSinceLastAction = 5,
MaxTimeSinceLastAction = 6)
Params AgeInDays Int16 Age of the Onboarding
Params FromDate DateTime From Date (optional)
Params ToDate DateTime To Date (optional)
Params OnboardingStageID Byte Client Onboarding Stage Identifier
Params OnboardingStatus Byte Filter based on OnBoarding Status (optional)
(Rejected = 0,
Active = 1,
Onboarded = 2,
Awaiting Handler Approval = 3,
Awaiting Supervisor Approval = 4,
Awaiting Manager Approval = 5,
Awaiting Director Approval = 6
Params SortColumn Int16 Sort Column Identifier
(ProspectFullName = 0,
OnboardingTypeName = 1,
RiskName = 2,
OnboardingStageStatusName = 3,
DateAdded = 4,
DaysSinceLastAction = 5,
ProspectHandledByUserGroupName = 6,
ProspectHandledByUserName = 7,
TotalWeightedRiskScore = 8)
Params SortAscending Boolean Sort Ascending? (optional)
Params WeightedRiskScoreOverridden Boolean Is Weighted Risk Score Overridden? (optional)
Params BulkImported Boolean Is Onboarding Bulk Imported? (optional)
Params FilterRiskModelType Byte Filter based on Risk Model Type (optional)
(SingleHighestValue = 0,
WeightedRiskScore = 1,
Both = 99)
Params IsFullSearch Boolean Is Full Search? (optional)
Params CurrentPage Int32 Current Page number (optional)
Params PageSize Int32 Page Size / No. of records on a page (optional)
Params UserID Int32 User Identifier (optional)
Params OnboardingSource Int16 Onboarding Source (optional)
(All = 0,
Onboarding = 1,
pKYC = 2,
Bulk Upload = 3,
GDC Upload = 4,
CLM = 5)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of one or many Client Onboardings
"TotalRecords": 10,
  "BusinessUnitID": 10,
  "ClientProspectID": 450001,
  "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
  "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
  "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
  "Notes": "",
  "OnboardingStageID": 6,
  "OnboardingStatus": 1,
  "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
  "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
  "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
  "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
  "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
  "RiskModelType": 0,
  "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
  "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
  "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
  "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
  "AllowKYBLookup": false,
  "ProspectFirstName": "",
  "ProspectMiddleName": "",
  "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
  "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
  "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
  "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
  "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
  "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
  "SnapshotType": 0,
  "DocumentData": "[Json = integer array] [Xml = byte array] of the document data",
  "DocumentDataEncoded": "Base64 encoded string of the document data",
  "IsImported": 0,
  "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
  "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
  "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
  "TriggerActionID": 0,
  "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
  "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
  "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
  "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
  "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
  "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
  "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
  "Source": 1
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int32
ClientProspectID Int 32
ClientOnboardingID Int 32
EIDVUUIDReference Text 20
Notes Text 3000
OnboardingStageID Byte
OnboardingStatus Int 16
OnboardingStageName Text 255
DateAdded Date
AssessedRiskValue Int 16
WeightedRiskScore Decimal (12, 6)
WeightedRiskScoreBand Text [20]
RiskModelType Byte
ClientProspectGroupID Int 32
WeightedRiskScoreOverridden Boolean
OnboardingTypeID Int 32
OnboardingTypeName Text 150
AllowKYBLookup Boolean
ProspectFirstName Text 255
ProspectMiddleName Text 255
ProspectEmail Text 250
ProspectLastName Text 255
ProspectHandledByUserGroupID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserID Int 32
ProspectHandledByUserGroupName Text 150
ProspectHandledByUserName Text 150
SnapshotType Byte
DocumentData Byte[]/Int[]
DocumentDataEncoded String
IsImported Boolean
TriggerDateOperator Byte
TriggerDateMagnitude Int 32
TriggerDateTimespan Byte
TriggerActionID Byte
TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int 32
TriggerEmailTemplateID Int 32
TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs Text 200
TriggerCopyDCF Boolean
DateLastChanged Date Time
LastChangedByUserID Int 32
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/add
Description: Add Onboarding for a Prospect
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Body EIDVUUIDReference String ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference
Body EIDVUUIDSentDate Date ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference Sent date or blank
Body Notes String Notes
Body OnboardingStageID Byte 1 = Data Collection, 2 = Data Approval, 3 = Identity Verification, 4 = Identity Approval, 5 = Screening, 6 = Compliance Approval
Body OnboardingTypeID Int32 optional parameter - Onboarding Type Identifier
Body AllowKYBLookup Boolean optional parameter - Allow KYB Lookup
Body OnboardingStatus Byte Rejected = 0, Active = 1, Onboarded = 2, AwaitingHandlerApproval = 3, AwaitingSupervisorApproval = 4, AwaitingManagerApproval = 5, AwaitingDirectorApproval = 6
Body RiskModelType Byte Optional parameter - Single Highest Value = 0 (default), Weighted Risk Score = 1
Body ClientProspectGroupID Int32 Optional parameter - Client Prospect Group Identifier
Body TriggerActionID Byte Trigger Action ID (defaults to 0 , 1 = Email Alert, 2 = Email Alert and Assign Onboarding Type, 3 = Email Alert and Start Onboarding Type, 4 = Assign Onboarding Type, 5 = Start Onboarding Type)
Body TriggerDateOperator Byte Trigger Date Operator (defaults to 0, 1 = After Date, 2 = Before Date); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerDateMagnitude Int32 Trigger Date Magnitude (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerDateTimespan Byte Trigger Date Timespan (defaults to 0, 1 = Days, 2 = Weeks, 3 = Months, 4 = Quarters, 5 = Years, 6 = Decades); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int32 Trigger Onboarding Type ID (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 0 and 1
Body TriggerEmailTemplateID Int32 Trigger Email Template ID (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID = 3 or 5
Body TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs Text [200] Trigger Email Recepient IDs comma separated (defaults to 0, 1 = Handler, 2 = Supervisor, 3 = Manager, 4 = Director); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID = 1 or 2 or 3
Body TriggerCopyDCF Boolean Trigger Copy DCF (defaults to 0 = No, 1 = Yes); optional; nevertheless, it can only be set to 1 if TriggerOnboardingTypeID and Client Onboarding OnboardingTypeID are the same
Body SnapshotType Byte Optional parameter - None = 0 (default), With Document = 1, Without Document = 2
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding added.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": null,
 "DocumentDataEncoded": null,
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
ClientOnboarding Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/update
Description: Update Onboarding for a Prospect
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Id
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboardning Id associated with the above Client Prospect Id
Body EIDVUUIDReference String ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference
Body EIDVUUIDSentDate Date ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference Sent date or blank
Body Notes String Notes
Body OnboardingStageID Byte 1 = Data Collection, 2 = Data Approval, 3 = Identity Verification, 4 = Identity Approval, 5 = Screening, 6 = Compliance Approval
Body OnboardingTypeID Int32 optional parameter - Onboarding Type Identifier
Body AllowKYBLookup Boolean optional parameter - Allow KYB Lookup
Body OnboardingStatus Byte 0 = Rejected, 1 = Active, 2 = Onboarded, 3 = AwaitingHandlerApproval, 4 = AwaitingSupervisorApproval, 5 = AwaitingManagerApproval, 6 = AwaitingDirectorApproval
Body AssessedRiskValue Byte Assessed Risk Value
Body WeightedRiskScore Decimal (12, 6) Weighted Risk Score
Body WeightedRiskScoreBand Text [20] Weighted Risk Score Band
Body RiskModelType Byte optional parameter - Single Highest Value = 0 (default), Weighted Risk Score = 1
Body ClientProspectGroupID Int32 optional parameter - Client Prospect Group Identifier
Body WeightedRiskScoreOverridden Boolean Weighted Risk Score Overridden
Body TriggerActionID Byte Trigger Action ID (defaults to 0 , 1 = Email Alert, 2 = Email Alert and Assign Onboarding Type, 3 = Email Alert and Start Onboarding Type, 4 = Assign Onboarding Type, 5 = Start Onboarding Type)
Body TriggerDateOperator Byte Trigger Date Operator (defaults to 0, 1 = After Date, 2 = Before Date); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerDateMagnitude Int32 Trigger Date Magnitude (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerDateTimespan Byte Trigger Date Timespan (defaults to 0, 1 = Days, 2 = Weeks, 3 = Months, 4 = Quarters, 5 = Years, 6 = Decades); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 1
Body TriggerOnboardingTypeID Int32 Trigger Onboarding Type ID (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID != 0 and 1
Body TriggerEmailTemplateID Int32 Trigger Email Template ID (defaults to 0); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID = 3 or 5
Body TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs Text [200] Trigger Email Recepient IDs comma separated (defaults to 0, 1 = Handler, 2 = Supervisor, 3 = Manager, 4 = Director); optional but necessary if TriggerActionID = 1 or 2 or 3
Body TriggerCopyDCF Boolean Trigger Copy DCF (defaults to 0 = No, 1 = Yes); optional; nevertheless, it can only be set to 1 if TriggerOnboardingTypeID and Client Onboarding OnboardingTypeID are the same
Body SnapshotType Byte Optional parameter - None = 0 (default), With Document = 1, Without Document = 2
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding added.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": null,
 "DocumentDataEncoded": null,
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
ClientOnboarding Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/delete
Description: Delete Client Onboarding
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Id associated with the Client Prospect
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding deleted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": null,
 "DocumentDataEncoded": null,
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
ClientOnboarding Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/submitforapproval
Description: Submit Onboarding for Approval for a Prospect
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Id
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference Sent date or blank
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding submitted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": null,
 "DocumentDataEncoded": null,
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
ClientOnboarding Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/initiatescreening
Description: Submit Onboarding for Screening for a Prospect
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Id
Body ClientOnboardingID Int32 ID-Pal Unique Identifier Reference Sent date or blank
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding submitted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "ClientProspectID": 450001,
 "ClientOnboardingID": "300001",
 "EIDVUUIDReference": "c77b4044",
 "EIDVUUIDSentDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Notes": "",
 "OnboardingStageID": 6,
 "OnboardingStatus": 1,
 "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AssessedRiskValue": "90",
 "WeightedRiskScore": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreBand": 0,
 "RiskModelType": 0,
 "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
 "WeightedRiskScoreOverridden": false,
 "OnboardingTypeID": "200",
 "OnboardingTypeName": "Singer Regulated Entity ",
 "AllowKYBLookup": false,
 "ProspectFirstName": "",
 "ProspectMiddleName": "",
 "ProspectEmail": "gabrielfranks@riskscreen.com",
 "ProspectLastName": "Goldman Sachs",
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupID": 212,
 "ProspectHandledByUserID": 187,
 "ProspectHandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
 "ProspectHandledByUserName": "Gabriel Franks",
 "SnapshotType": 0,
 "DocumentData": null,
 "DocumentDataEncoded": null,
 "IsImported": 0,
 "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
 "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
 "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
 "TriggerActionID": 0,
 "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
 "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
 "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
 "TriggerCopyDCF": false,
 "DateLastChanged": "2022-04-20 12:42:26",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 187,
 "ClientProspectGroupName": "ABC Prospect Group",
 "Source": 1
Field Data Type
ClientOnboarding Collection
 Same as Get Method results above.
URL: /api/v1/client/onboarding/export
Description: Client Onboarding Export
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientProspectID Int32 Client Prospect Identifier
Params ClientOnboardingID Int32 Client Onboarding Id associated with the Client Prospect
Params IncludeDocumentData Boolean Document Data to be included in the result? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnEncodedValues Boolean Return Base64 Encoded Values of Document Data? (True = Yes, False = No, Optional default is False)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Onboarding Export
  "BusinessUnitID": 10,
  "ClientProspectID": 450000,
  "ClientOnboardingID": 300000,
  "OnboardingStage": 6,
  "OnboardingStageName": "Compliance Approval",
  "OnboardingStatus": 2,
  "OnboardingStatusName": "Onboarded",
  "Prospect": {
   "BusinessUnitID": 10,
   "ClientProspectID": 450000,
   "InterfaceReference": "",
   "LastName": "Putin",
   "FirstName": "",
   "MiddleName": "",
   "Email": "test@riskscreen.com",
   "MobilePhone": "",
   "OnboardingTypeID": 200,
   "ClientEntityID": 5020,
   "ProspectStatus": 2,
   "HandledByGroupID": 204,
   "HandledByUserID": 103,
   "ProspectAddedDate": "2021-02-02 00:00:00",
   "OnboardingTypeName": "Person",
   "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
   "HandledByUserName": "Handler",
   "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "6C3363A8-DE82-46A4-9177-7D4AF527CFC4",
   "IsImported": 0
  "ProspectGroupList": [   {
   "ProspectGroup": {
    "Description": "",
    "Name": ""
   "ClientProspectGroupID": 1   }
  "Onboarding": {
   "DateAdded": "2021-02-02 00:00:00",
   "DateLastChanged": "2021-02-07 13:19:56",
   "DaysSinceLastAction": 0,
   "LastChangedByUserID": 108,
   "RiskModelType": 0,
   "ClientProspectGroupID": 0,
   "Notes": "",
   "SnapshotType": 0,
   "DocumentData": "[Json = integer array] [Xml = byte array] of the document data",
   "DocumentDataEncoded": "Base64 encoded string of the document data"
   "IsImported": 0,
   "TriggerDateOperator": 0,
   "TriggerDateMagnitude": 0,
   "TriggerDateTimespan": 0,
   "TriggerActionID": 0,
   "TriggerOnboardingTypeID": null,
   "TriggerEmailTemplateID": null,
   "TriggerEmailRecipientTypeIDs": "",
   "TriggerCopyDCF": false
  "OnboardingDataRequestList": [
   "BusinessUnitID": 10,
   "ClientProspectID": 450000,
   "ClientOnboardingID": 300000,
   "DataRequestID": "646b1976-59b1-48b1-92c2-3956370f016a",
   "Message": "",
   "DataRequestedOn": "2021-02-07 11:23:58",
   "ExpiryDate": null,
   "ProspectFirstName": "",
   "ProspectMiddleName": "",
   "ProspectLastName": "",
   "ProspectEmail": "test@riskscreen.com"   }
  "DataCollection": {
   "OnboardingDataPropertyGroupList": [
    "OnboardingDataPropertyGroup": {
    "OnboardingTypeID": 200,
    "OnboardingPropertyGroupID": 52000,
    "PropertyGroupOrder": 1,
    "Section": 1,
    "Hidden": false,
    "Responsive": 1,
    "OnboardingTypeName": "Person",
    "OnboardingTypeDescription": "Person",
    "OnboardingPropertyGroupName": "",
    "OnboardingPropertyGroupDescription": ""
   } ,
    "OnboardingDataStoreList": [
   "Structure": {
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   "OnboardingPropertyGroupID": 52000,
   "OnboardingPropertyID": 51000,
   "OnboardingTypeName": "Person",
   "OnboardingTypeDescription": "Person",
   "OnboardingPropertyGroupName": "",
   "OnboardingPropertyGroupDescription": "",
   "OnboardingPropertyName": "Person",
   "OnboardingPropertyDescription": "Person",
   "PropertyOrder": 1,
   "RequiredField": true,
   "StoreID": 1,
   "ScreeningID": 0,
   "DefaultListDataID": 0,
   "TextDefaultValue": "",
   "IntegerDefaultValue": null,
   "DecimalDefaultValue": null,
   "RiskDefaultValue": 0,
   "WeightedRiskDefaultValue": 0,
   "RiskWeightPercent": 100,
   "RiskFactorOverride": false,
   "RiskFactorOverrideValue": 0,
   "ListFilterOption": 0,
   "ListGroupID": 0,
   "ListGroupName": "",
   "TextMinimumSize": 2,
   "TextMaximumSize": 100,
   "IntegerMinimumValue": null,
   "IntegerMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalMinimumValue": null,
   "DecimalMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalDigits": 2,
   "DecimalSymbol": "",
   "DateMinimumValue": null,
   "DateMaximumValue": null,
   "EnabledForRisk": false,
   "KYBPropertyTypeID": 0,
   "Hidden": false
   "Responsive": 1,
    } ,
   "Store": {
   "StoreID": 1,
   "RequiredField": true,
   "RiskScore": 0,
   "RiskScoreString": "Pending approval",
   "DataValidationScore": 0,
   "DataValidationScoreString": "Valid"
    } ,
   "DataIncomplete": false,
   "DataInvalid": false,
   "Value": ""
   } ,
   "Structure": {
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   "OnboardingPropertyGroupID": 52000,
   "OnboardingPropertyID": 51001,
   "OnboardingTypeName": "Person",
   "OnboardingTypeDescription": "Person",
   "OnboardingPropertyGroupName": "",
   "OnboardingPropertyGroupDescription": "",
   "OnboardingPropertyName": "Country",
   "OnboardingPropertyDescription": "Country",
   "PropertyOrder": 2,
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   "ScreeningID": 0,
   "DefaultListDataID": null,
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   "DecimalDefaultValue": null,
   "RiskDefaultValue": 75,
   "WeightedRiskDefaultValue": 0,
   "RiskWeightPercent": 100,
   "RiskFactorOverride": false,
   "RiskFactorOverrideValue": 0,
   "ListFilterOption": 0,
   "ListGroupID": 33000,
   "ListGroupName": "List Group",
   "TextMinimumSize": 0,
   "TextMaximumSize": 0,
   "IntegerMinimumValue": null,
   "IntegerMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalMinimumValue": null,
   "DecimalMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalDigits": 2,
   "DecimalSymbol": "",
   "DateMinimumValue": null,
   "DateMaximumValue": null,
   "EnabledForRisk": true,
   "KYBPropertyTypeID": 0,
   "Hidden": false
   "Responsive": 1,
    } ,
   "Store": {

   "StoreID": 5,
   "RequiredField": false,
   "RiskScore": 50,
   "RiskScoreString": "Standard",
   "DataValidationScore": 0,
   "DataValidationScoreString": "Valid"
    } ,
   "DataIncomplete": false,
   "DataInvalid": false,
   "Value": ""
   } ,

   "Structure": {

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   "OnboardingPropertyGroupID": 52000,
   "OnboardingPropertyID": 51002,
   "OnboardingTypeName": "Person",
   "OnboardingTypeDescription": "Person",
   "OnboardingPropertyGroupName": "",
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   "OnboardingPropertyDescription": "Country",
   "PropertyOrder": 3,
   "RequiredField": false,
   "StoreID": 5,
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   "DefaultListDataID": null,
   "TextDefaultValue": "",
   "IntegerDefaultValue": null,
   "DecimalDefaultValue": null,
   "RiskDefaultValue": 50,
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   "RiskWeightPercent": 100,
   "RiskFactorOverride": false,
   "RiskFactorOverrideValue": 0,
   "ListFilterOption": 0,
   "ListGroupID": 33001,
   "ListGroupName": "Country",
   "TextMinimumSize": 0,
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   "IntegerMinimumValue": null,
   "IntegerMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalMinimumValue": null,
   "DecimalMaximumValue": null,
   "DecimalDigits": 2,
   "DecimalSymbol": "",
   "DateMinimumValue": null,
   "DateMaximumValue": null,
   "EnabledForRisk": true,
   "KYBPropertyTypeID": 0,
   "Hidden": false
   "Responsive": 1,
    } ,
   "Store": {
   "StoreID": 5,
   "RequiredField": false,
   "RiskScore": 50,
   "RiskScoreString": "Standard",
   "DataValidationScore": 0,
   "DataValidationScoreString": "Valid"
    } ,
   "DataIncomplete": false,
   "DataInvalid": false,
   "Value": "JERSEY"    }
   "OnboardingDataDocumentViewList": []
  } ,
  "DataApproval": {
   "DataValidationScore": 0,
   "DataValidationScoreString": "Valid",
   "AutomatedRiskScore": 50,
   "AutomatedRiskScoreString": "Standard",
   "AmendedOrAutomatedRiskScore": 25,
   "AmendedOrAutomatedRiskScoreString": "Low"
   "AutomatedWeightedRiskScore": 0,
   "AutomatedWeightedRiskScoreString": "Pending Approval"
   "AmendedOrAutomatedWeightedRiskScoreString": "Pending Approval"",
   "TotalPossibleWeightedRiskScore": 0
   "NormalisedWeightedRiskScore": 0,
   "IsOnboardingPropertyRiskOverriden": false
   "PropertyRiskOverridenValues": null
  } ,
  "IdentityVerification": {
   "OnboardingIDPalSubmissionList": [
    "OnboardingSubmission": {
    "ClientProspectID": 450000,
    "ClientOnboardingID": 300000,
    "SubmissionID": 1018288,
    "Phone": "",
    "FirstName": "Vladimir",
    "LastName": "Putin",
    "MaidenName": "",
    "Email": "test@riskscreen.com",
    "GenderID": 1,
    "GenderName": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "",
    "CountryOfBirthID": 0,
    "CountryOfBirth": "United Kingdom",
    "AddressLine1": "",
    "AddressLine2": "",
    "City": "",
    "County": "",
    "CountryID": 0,
    "CountryName": "United Kingdom",
    "PostalCode": "",
    "PassportExpiryDate": null,
    "IDExpiryDate": "2027-01-22 00:00:00",
    "OSType": "14.3",
    "HardwareType": "iPhone X",
    "FreeMemory": "39 MB",
    "AvailableStorage": "116.6 GB",
    "ApprovalNotes": "Approved",
    "SubmissionSource": 1,
    "SubmissionStatus": 1,
    "AddressVerificationResult": 1,
    "IdDetectResult": 1,
    "EVerificationDetails": "Overall Result: Full Match for 1+1 verification",
    "EVerificationCustomField": "VAT ID:"
   } ,
    "OnboardingDocumentViewModelList": [

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   "MediaType": "image\/jpeg",
   "AuthenticationData": "Pass",
   "FacialMatch": "Pass",
   "FacialMatchScore": 87     }

   } ,

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    "ClientOnboardingID": 300000,
    "SubmissionID": 53000,
    "Phone": "7700342372",
    "FirstName": "Arun",
    "LastName": "Puthran",
    "MaidenName": "",
    "Email": "",
    "GenderID": 1,
    "GenderName": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": null,
    "CountryOfBirthID": 0,
    "CountryOfBirth": "Jersey",
    "AddressLine1": "Address",
    "AddressLine2": "",
    "City": "Jersey",
    "County": "Jersey",
    "CountryID": 0,
    "CountryName": "Jersey",
    "PostalCode": "JE2 3RH",
    "PassportExpiryDate": null,
    "IDExpiryDate": null,
    "OSType": "",
    "HardwareType": "",
    "FreeMemory": "",
    "AvailableStorage": "",
    "ApprovalNotes": "Approved",
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    "SubmissionStatus": 1,
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    "IdDetectResult": 1,
    "EVerificationDetails": "",
    "EVerificationCustomField": ""
   } ,
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   "MediaType": "image\/png",
   "AuthenticationData": "Pass",
   "FacialMatch": "Pass",
   "FacialMatchScore": 46     }
  } ,
  "IdentityApproval": {
   "OnboardingIDPalSubmissionApprovalNotesList": [
    "SubmissionID": 1018288,
    "ApprovalNotes": "Approved"   }
   "OnboardingManualSubmissionApprovalNotesList": [
    "SubmissionID": 53000,
    "ApprovalNotes": "Approved"   }
  } ,
  "Screening": {
   "ProspectEntity": {
   "Entity": {
    "ClientEntityID": 5020,
    "InterfaceReference": "6C3363A8-DE82-46A4-9177-7D4AF527CFC4",
    "LastName": "Putin",
    "FirstName": "",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "CriteriaID": 1,
    "CriteriaName": "Person",
    "GenderID": 9,
    "GenderName": "Unknown",
    "Date": null,
    "Country1ID": 107,
    "Country1Name": "JERSEY",
    "Country2ID": 0,
    "Country2Name": "UNKNOWN",
    "Country3ID": 0,
    "Country3Name": "UNKNOWN",
    "RiskID": 1,
    "RiskName": "Low",
    "StatusID": 1,
    "StatusName": "Active",
    "DateAdded": "2021-02-07 00:00:00",
    "CustomText1": "",
    "CustomText2": "",
    "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
    "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
    "HandledByUserID": 103,
    "HandledByUserName": "Handler"
  } ,
   "PotentialMatches": [
   "FlaggedMatches": [

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    "EntityFullName": " ",
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    "Reason": "TEST - FLAGGING 17 MATCHES",
    "MatchFlagCategoryID": 6,
    "MatchFlagCategoryName": "Relevant Not Acceptable - Generic",
    "MetaDataDate": "18 Feb 1953",
    "MetaDataCountry": "",
    "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
    "Notify": false,
    "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
    "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
    "HandledByUserID": 103,
    "HandledByUserName": "Handler",
    "ReportData": null    }
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    "Reason": "",
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    "MatchDiscountCategoryName": "Address OK",
    "MetaDataDate": "02 Jul 1949",
    "MetaDataCountry": "Citizenship : USA | Address : USA",
    "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
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    "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
    "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group",
    "HandledByUserID": 103,
    "HandledByUserName": "Handler",
    "ReportData": null    }
  } ,
   "AllPotentialsActioned": true
  } ,
  "ComplianceApproval": {
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   "OnboardingApprovalTypeName": "Handler And Supervisor",
   "Supervisor1ApprovalRequired": true,
   "Supervisor2ApprovalRequired": false,
   "Manager1ApprovalRequired": false,
   "Manager2ApprovalRequired": false,
   "DirectorApprovalRequired": false,
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   "Supervisor1ApprovalPending": false,
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   "DirectorApprovalPending": false,
   "STPApproval": false,
   "HandlerOnlyApproval": false,
   "ComplianceApprovalHandlerNotes": "Approved",
   "ComplianceApprovalSupervisor1Notes": "Approved",
   "ComplianceApprovalSupervisor2Notes": "",
   "ComplianceApprovalManager1Notes": "",
   "ComplianceApprovalManager2Notes": "",
   "ComplianceApprovalDirectorNotes": "",
   "ComplianceApprovalWarning": "",
   "ApprovalsList": [
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    "OnboardingStageID": 6,
    "StageDate": "2021-02-07 13:05:52",
    "STPNotes": "",
    "STPAuthorisationDate": null,
    "HandlerNotes": "Approved",
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    "HandlerAuthorisationStatus": 1,
    "HandlerAuthorisationDate": "2021-02-07 13:05:52",
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    "Supervisor1AuthorisationDate": "2021-02-07 13:19:54",
    "Supervisor1Notes": "Approved",
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    "Supervisor2AuthorisationStatus": 0,
    "Supervisor2AuthorisationDate": null,
    "Supervisor2Notes": "",
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    "Manager1AuthorisationDate": null,
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    "Manager2Notes": "",
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    "DirectorAuthorisationDate": null,
    "DirectorNotes": "",
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    "HandlerUserName": "Handler"   }
  } ,
  "OnboardingRiskScoreAmendmentsList": [
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   "PreviousOnboardingRiskScore": 50,
   "PreviousOnboardingRiskScoreString": "Standard",
   "CurrentOnboardingRiskScore": 25,
   "CurrentOnboardingRiskScoreString": "Low",
   "RiskScoreDate": "2021-02-07 12:36:47",
   "RiskOverrideReasonID": 1,
   "RiskOverrideReason": "Override Risk Score",
   "Notes": "",
   "UserID": 103,
   "UserName": "Handler",
   "UniqueID": 1   }
  "Onboarded": true,
  "Rejected": false,
  "OnboardingComplete": true