Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Client - Entity
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/search
Description: Search for Client Entity records
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params SearchString String Search String
Params SearchOn Byte 0=LastName, 1=FirstName, 2=MiddleName, 3=ClientEntityID, 4=InterfaceReference
Params SearchType Byte 0=StartsWith, 1=Contains
Params SearchStatus Byte 2=Both, 1=Active, 0=Disabled
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of Client Entities
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/add
Description: Add a Client Entity
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body LastName String Last Name
Body FirstName String First Name
Body MiddleName String Middle Name
Body CriteriaID Int16 Criteria ID
Body GenderID Byte Gender ID
Body Date Date DOB / DOR yyyy-mm-dd or Blank (optional).
Body Country1ID Int16 Country 1 ID
Body Country2ID Int16 Country 2 ID
Body Country3ID Int16 Country 3 ID
Body RiskID Int16 Risk ID
Body Status Byte Status 0=Inactive, 1=Active
Body CustomText1 String Custom Text 1
Body CustomText2 String Custom Text 2
Body HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User Group (optional).
Body HandledByUserID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User (optional).
Body Screen Boolean Perform Screen after addition
Body AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int16 AVM Criteria Identifier (optional).
Body AdverseMediaCountryID Int16 AVM Country Identifier (optional).
Body AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int16 AVM Date Range Identifier (optional).
Body AdditionalAndTerms String AVM Additional And Terms (optional).
Body AdditionalOrTerms String AVM Additional Or Terms (optional).
Body ExcludeTerms String Exclude Terms (optional).
Body AdverseMediaDateLastScreenedDate AVM Date Last Screened (optional).
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity added and if the screening parameter is true a collection of any Match Potentials generated.
 "ClientEntity": { },
 "ClientMatchPotentials": [ { } ]
Field Data Type
ClientEntity Collection
 Same as Get Method results below.
ClientMatchPotentials Collection
 Same as Screen Method results below.
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/import
Description: Import Client Entity data in bulk. Adds new or updates existing.
Uploading of bulk data using this method should be batched into manageable blocks of 5000 records.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params IncludeDetailInResult Boolean Include details of valid items in the batch in the response.
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Client Entity values
Input Data: AVM Criteria is ignored if the value is set to zero. In this instance the existing defined value will be retained.
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 1,
 "AVMCriteriaID": 1000,
 "GenderID": 1,
 "Date": "1952-10-07 00:00:00",
 "Country1ID": 182,
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "RiskID": 3,
 "StatusID": 1,
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "BusinessUnitID": "12"
Return Data: Import returns an object with volume information and two collections Rejections and Allocations.
Rejections are validation errors or import rejections in the batch.
Allocations are Internal and External references for any Additions in the batch.
AVM Criteria is ignored if the value is set to zero. In this instance the existing defined value will be retained.

If the request query parameter 'IncludeDetailInResult' is true, the return object will contain two additional collections:
1) ValidItemsActionRequiredList and 2) ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList.

ValidItemsActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that will be added or updated.
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that have no changes and will not be updated.
These two collections will contain fields that can be used for additional validation.

 "ImportRejections": 0,
 "ValidItemsActionRequired": 2,
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequired": 0,
 "Rejections": [],
 "Allocations": [
   "ItemNumber": 1,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6001a",
   "ClientEntityID": 1239
   "ItemNumber": 2,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6002a",
   "ClientEntityID": 1240
 "ValidItemsActionRequiredList": [
   "FileRow": 1,
   "ClientID": 100,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6001a",
   "HandledByUserGroupID": 202
   "HandledByUserID": 101
   "FileRow": 2,
   "ClientID": 100,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6002a",
   "HandledByUserGroupID": 1240
   "HandledByUserID": 101
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList": []
Field Data Type
ImportRejections Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequired Int 32
ValidItemsNoActionRequired Int 32
Rejections Collection
 ItemNumber Int 32
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 Reason Text (2GB Limit)
Allocations Collection
 ItemNumber Int 32
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 ClientEntityID Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientID Int 16
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
 HandledByUserID Int 16
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientID Int 16
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
 HandledByUserID Int 16
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/importincludehandledbyinfo
Description: Import Client Entity data in bulk including handler columns HandledByUserGroupID and HandledByUserID. Adds new or updates existing.
Uploading of bulk data using this method should be batched into manageable blocks of 5000 records.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params IncludeDetailInResult Boolean Include details of valid items in the batch in the response.
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Client Entity values
Input Data: AVM Criteria is ignored if the value is set to zero. In this instance the existing defined value will be retained.
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 1,
 "AVMCriteriaID": 1000,
 "GenderID": 1,
 "Date": "1952-10-07 00:00:00",
 "Country1ID": 182,
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "RiskID": 3,
 "StatusID": 1,
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "202",
 "HandledByUserID": "0",
 "BusinessUnitID": "12"
Return Data: Import returns an object with volume information and two collections Rejections and Allocations.
Rejections are validation errors or import rejections in the batch.
Allocations are Internal and External references for any Additions in the batch.

If the request query parameter 'IncludeDetailInResult' is true, the return object will contain two additional collections:
1) ValidItemsActionRequiredList and 2) ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList.

ValidItemsActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that will be added or updated.
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList are valid items in the batch that have no changes and will not be updated.
These two collections will contain fields that can be used for additional validation.

 "ImportRejections": 0,
 "ValidItemsActionRequired": 2,
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequired": 0,
 "Rejections": [],
 "Allocations": [
   "ItemNumber": 1,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6001a",
   "ClientEntityID": 1239
   "ItemNumber": 2,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6002a",
   "ClientEntityID": 1240
 "ValidItemsActionRequiredList": [
   "FileRow": 1,
   "ClientID": 100,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6001a",
   "HandledByUserGroupID": 202
   "HandledByUserID": 101
   "FileRow": 2,
   "ClientID": 100,
   "InterfaceReference": "AB6002a",
   "HandledByUserGroupID": 1240
   "HandledByUserID": 101
 "ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList": []
Field Data Type
ImportRejections Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequired Int 32
ValidItemsNoActionRequired Int 32
Rejections Collection
 ItemNumber Int 32
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 Reason Text (2GB Limit)
Allocations Collection
 ItemNumber Int 32
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 ClientEntityID Int 32
ValidItemsActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientID Int 16
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
 HandledByUserID Int 16
ValidItemsNoActionRequiredList Collection
 FileRow Int 32
 ClientID Int 16
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
 HandledByUserID Int 16
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/move
Description: Move a Client Entity between Business Units
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body SourceBusinessUnitID Int32 Source Business Unit Identifier
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body DestinationBusinessUnitID Int32 Destination Business Unit Identifier
Body ReassignmentUserGroupID Int16 Reassignment User Group Identifier
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record that you have moved.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": "Default",
 "ClientEntityID": 1241,
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 1,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": "1962-03-22 00:00:00",
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22"
 "Country1ID": 182,
 "Country1Name": "Russia",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "RiskID": 3,
 "RiskName": "High",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": ""
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1000
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0
 "AdverseMediaCountryId": 0
 "AdditionalAndTerms": ""
 "AdditionalOrTerms": ""
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 150
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaIDInt 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeIDInt 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
Client - Entity [Using External Reference]
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/get
Description: Fetch a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity being fetched
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": "Jersey Office",
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/getdetail
Description: Fetch a Client Entities Match Potentials, Discounts and Flags based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity Detail. Match Potential, Discounted and Flagged content excluded below for brevity.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": "Jersey Office",
 "ClientEntityID": 1241,
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "MatchPotentialVolume": 5,
 "MatchDiscountedVolume": 1,
 "MatchFlaggedVolume": 1,
 "MatchPotential": [],
 "MatchDiscounted": [],
 "MatchFlagged": []
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Text 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
MatchPotentialVolume Int 32
MatchDiscountedVolume Int 32
MatchFlaggedVolume Int 32
MatchPotential Collection
 Same as Match Potential Get Method.
MatchDiscounted Collection
 Same as Match Discounted Get Method.
MatchFlagged Collection
 Same as Match Flagged Get Method.
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/screen
Description: Screen a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of the Match Potentials that exist post screening.
 "ClientEntityID": 1241,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "EntityID": 98141,
 "EntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "EntityLastNameJCBias": 1,
 "EntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "EntityFirstNameJCBias": 1,
 "EntityMiddleName": "VLADIMIROVICH",
 "EntityMiddleNameJCBias": 0,
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AverageJCBias": 1,
 "IsPEP": true,
 "IsRCA": false,
 "IsWBL": false,
 "IsSAN": false,
 "IsAVM": false,
 "IsOTH": false,
 "IsUNK": false,
 "IsDateMatch": false,
 "IsCountryMatch": true,
 "CriteriaID": 1,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "Note": "",
 "Status": 0,
 "Priority": 9,
 "MetaBump": 20
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityID Int 32
EntityFullName Text 255
EntityLastName Text 255
EntityLastNameJCBias Double
EntityFirstName Text 255
EntityFirstNameJCBias Double
EntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityMiddleNameJCBias Double
GeneratedDate Date
AverageJCBias Double
IsPEP Boolean
IsRCA Boolean
IsWBL Boolean
IsSAN Boolean
IsAVM Boolean
IsOTH Boolean
IsUNK Boolean
IsDateMatch Boolean
IsCountryMatch Boolean
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
Note Text 3000
Status Byte
Priority Byte
MetaBump Byte
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/adversemediascreen
Description: Perform an Adverse Media Screen of a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of the Adverse Media Match Potentials that exist post screening.
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimirimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "MatchedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "President of Russia",
 "MatchFlagCategoryID": 1,
 "MatchFlagCategoryName": "Relevant Acceptable",
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text (2GB Limit)
MatchFlagCategoryID Int 16
MatchFlagCategoryName Text 150
ValidToDate Date
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/delete
Description: Delete a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record deleted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/bulkdelete
Description: Bulk Delete Client Entities based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Interface References
Input Data: [{
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234"
Return Data: Bulk Delete returns an object with volume information and a collection of any Rejections.
 "TotalItemsProcessed": 5,
 "ItemsDeleted": 5,
 "Rejections": []
Field Data Type
TotalItemsProcessed Int 32
ItemsDeleted Int 32
Rejections Collection
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 Reason Text (2GB Limit)
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/update
Description: Update a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Params Screen Boolean Perform Screen after update
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body LastName String Last Name
Body FirstName String First Name
Body MiddleName String Middle Name
Body CriteriaID Int16 Criteria ID
Body GenderID Byte Gender ID
Body Date Date DOB / DOR yyyy-mm-dd or Blank (optional).
Body Country1ID Int16 Country 1 ID
Body Country2ID Int16 Country 2 ID
Body Country3ID Int16 Country 3 ID
Body RiskID Int16 Risk ID
Body Status Byte Status 0=Inactive, 1=Active
Body CustomText1 String Custom Text 1
Body CustomText2 String Custom Text 2
Body HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User Group (optional).
Body HandledByUserID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User (optional).
Body AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int16 AVM Criteria Identifier (optional).
Body AdverseMediaCountryID Int16 AVM Country Identifier (optional).
Body AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int16 AVM Date Range Identifier (optional).
Body AdditionalAndTerms String AVM Additional And Terms (optional).
Body AdditionalOrTerms String AVM Additional Or Terms (optional).
Body ExcludeTerms String Exclude Terms (optional).
Body AdverseMediaDateLastScreenedDate AVM Date Last Screened (optional).
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record that you have updated.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/updatestatus
Description: Update status of a Client Entity based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body Status Byte Status (0 or 1)
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record that you have updated.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/migrate
Description: Migrate Client Entity data. Updates Interface References in Bulk.
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of From and To Interface References
Input Data: [{
 "FromInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ToInterfaceReference": "CD56789"
Return Data: Migrate returns an object with volume information and a collection of any Rejections.
 "TotalItemsProcessed": 5,
 "ItemsUpdated": 5,
 "Rejections": []
Field Data Type
TotalItemsProcessed Int 32
ItemsUpdated Int 32
Rejections Collection
 FromInterfaceReference Text 50
 ToInterfaceReference Text 50
 Reason Text (2GB Limit)
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/bulkupdatestatus
Description: Bulk Update Status of Client Entities based on Interface Reference
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/json
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body raw Json Json Collection of Interface References
Input Data: [{
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "Status": "0"
 "InterfaceReference": "XYZ1234",
 "Status": "1"
Return Data: Bulk update status returns an object with volume information and a collection of any Rejections.
 "TotalItemsProcessed": 5,
 "ItemsUpdated": 5,
 "Rejections": []
Field Data Type
TotalItemsProcessed Int 32
ItemsUpdated Int 32
Rejections Collection
 InterfaceReference Text 50
 Reason Text (2GB Limit)
Client - Entity [Using Internal Reference]
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/getinternal
Description: Fetch a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity being fetched
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/getdetailinternal
Description: Fetch a Client Entities Match Potentials, Discounts and Flags based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity Detail. Match Potential, Discounted and Flagged content excluded below for brevity
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 1241,
 "InterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "MatchPotentialVolume": 5,
 "MatchDiscountedVolume": 1,
 "MatchFlaggedVolume": 1,
 "MatchPotential": [],
 "MatchDiscounted": [],
 "MatchFlagged": []
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
MatchPotentialVolume Int 32
MatchDiscountedVolume Int 32
MatchFlaggedVolume Int 32
MatchPotential Collection
 Same as Match Potential Get Method.
MatchDiscounted Collection
 Same as Match Discounted Get Method.
MatchFlagged Collection
 Same as Match Flagged Get Method.
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/screeninternal
Description: Screen a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of the Match Potentials that exist post screening.
 "ClientEntityID": 1241,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "EntityID": 98141,
 "EntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "EntityLastNameJCBias": 1,
 "EntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "EntityFirstNameJCBias": 1,
 "EntityMiddleName": "VLADIMIROVICH",
 "EntityMiddleNameJCBias": 0,
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "AverageJCBias": 1,
 "IsPEP": true,
 "IsRCA": false,
 "IsWBL": false,
 "IsSAN": false,
 "IsAVM": false,
 "IsOTH": false,
 "IsUNK": false,
 "IsDateMatch": false,
 "IsCountryMatch": true,
 "CriteriaID": 1,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "Note": "",
 "Status": 0,
 "Priority": 9,
 "MetaBump": 20
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "0"
 "HandledByUserName": ""
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityID Int 32
EntityFullName Text 255
EntityLastName Text 255
EntityLastNameJCBias Double
EntityFirstName Text 255
EntityFirstNameJCBias Double
EntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityMiddleNameJCBias Double
GeneratedDate Date
AverageJCBias Double
IsPEP Boolean
IsRCA Boolean
IsWBL Boolean
IsSAN Boolean
IsAVM Boolean
IsOTH Boolean
IsUNK Boolean
IsDateMatch Boolean
IsCountryMatch Boolean
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
Note Text 3000
Status Byte
Priority Byte
MetaBump Byte
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/adversemediascreeninternal
Description: Perform an Adverse Media Screen of a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML collection of the Adverse Media Match Potentials that exist post screening.
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "LinkUniqueKey": "0ECB49CA06DE9F05FF8CF53D7794612588468914",
 "Link": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "DisplayLink": "https://www.abcd.xyz/allaboutvlad",
 "GeneratedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "Snippet": "This is an article all about Vladimirimir Putin",
 "SearchEngineType": 1,
 "MatchedDate": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "President of Russia",
 "MatchFlagCategoryID": 1,
 "MatchFlagCategoryName": "Relevant Acceptable",
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
LinkUniqueKey Text 100
Link Text 1000
DisplayLink Text 1000
GeneratedDate Date
Snippet Text 1000
SearchEngineType Byte
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text (2GB Limit)
MatchFlagCategoryID Int 16
MatchFlagCategoryName Text 150
ValidToDate Date
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/deleteinternal
Description: Delete a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record deleted.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/updateinternal
Description: Update a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params Screen Boolean Perform Screen after update
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body InterfaceReference String Interface Reference
Body LastName String Last Name
Body FirstName String First Name
Body MiddleName String Middle Name
Body CriteriaID Int16 Criteria ID
Body GenderID Byte Gender ID
Body Date Date DOB / DOR yyyy-mm-dd or Blank
Body Country1ID Int16 Country 1 ID
Body Country2ID Int16 Country 2 ID
Body Country3ID Int16 Country 3 ID
Body RiskID Int16 Risk ID
Body Status Byte Status 0=Inactive, 1=Active
Body CustomText1 String Custom Text 1
Body CustomText2 String Custom Text 2
Body HandledByUserGroupID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User Group
Body HandledByUserID Int16 Identifier of the Handling User
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record that you have updated.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date
URL: /api/v1/client/entity/updatestatusinternal
Description: Update status of a Client Entity based on Client Entity Identifier
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Headers Content-Type String Enter value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Body ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Body Status Byte Status (0 or 1)
Body ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Body ActionUserID Int16 Identifier of the User performing action.
Return Data: Json or XML of the Client Entity record that you have updated.
 "BusinessUnitID": 10,
 "BusinessUnitName": Jersey Office,
 "ClientEntityID": 5000,
 "InterfaceReference": "VP123",
 "LastName": "PUTIN",
 "FirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "MiddleName": "",
 "CriteriaID": 9,
 "CriteriaName": "Default - Person",
 "GenderID": 1,
 "GenderName": "Male",
 "Date": null,
 "Country1ID": 0,
 "Country1Name": "Unknown",
 "Country2ID": 0,
 "Country2Name": "Unknown",
 "Country3ID": 0,
 "Country3Name": "Unknown",
 "HandledByUserGroupID": 204,
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Admin Group",
 "HandledByUserID": 102,
 "HandledByUserName": "Chandramohan Ganorkar",
 "RiskID": 10,
 "RiskName": "Medium",
 "StatusID": 1,
 "StatusName": "Active",
 "DateAdded": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
 "CustomText1": "",
 "CustomText2": "",
 "AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID": 1003,
 "AdverseMediaDateRangeID": 0,
 "AdverseMediaCountryID": 0,
 "AdditionalAndTerms": "",
 "AdditionalOrTerms": "",
 "ExcludeTerms": ""
 "AdverseMediaDateLastScreened": "2024-10-22 00:00:00",
Field Data Type
BusinessUnitID Int 32
BusinessUnitName Test 255
ClientEntityID Int 32
InterfaceReference Text 50
LastName Text 255
FirstName Text 255
MiddleName Text 255
CriteriaID Int 16
CriteriaName Text 150
GenderID Byte
GenderName Text 150
Date Date
Country1ID Int 16
Country1Name Text 255
Country2ID Int 16
Country2Name Text 255
Country3ID Int 16
Country3Name Text 255
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
RiskID Int 16
RiskName Text 150
StatusID Byte
StatusName Text 150
DateAdded Date
CustomText1 Text 255
CustomText2 Text 255
AdverseMediaFileCriteriaID Int 16
AdverseMediaDateRangeID Int 16
AdverseMediaCountryID Int 16
AdditionalAndTerms Text 256
AdditionalOrTerms Text 256
ExcludeTerms Text 256
AdverseMediaDateLastScreened Date